Monday, February 27, 2012


Bowling is one of my favorite sports to play. It's a low energy sport that takes skill and patience. Unfortunately I am not very skilled in bowling, sooo I decided to take bowling as a class here at UNC. That's right SES 111 is a bowling class. I have it every Tuesday and Thursday for 50 minutes. Not only is it a fun class but I;m also learning skills to make me a better bowler. I started out bowling an average score of 60 and now my average is a 95. Now compared to the pros I have a long way to go but I am stoked about my improvements. The class takes place at a bowling ally less than two blocks from campus so it's walking distance. That's great for people like me who don't have cars. YAY! Some of you out there might saying to yourselves "But I don't like to bowl." Well that's not a problem because we have many other SES classes. We have basketball, volleyball, soccer, ice skating, ice hockey, swimming, golf, tennis, hiking, and that's not even half the list. If you want to see all the classes they offer go here:
Like I said there is something for everyone.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Racquetball Fun

This week instead of going to the gym and working on the machines, my friend and I decided to do something different. So we played some racquetball and it was quite fun. We were able to rent the equipment from the rec centers front desk, all we had to do was sign our lives over... I'm just kidding they just needed our names. The really fun part was that my friend and I are not very good racquetball players so we were making complete fools out of ourselvs. We would wince if the ball even came within 4 feet of us and I can't even tell you how many times we completly missed the ball. There were times that I couldnt stop laughing. The other great thing is that the racquetball court has a glass wall so everyone working out could see us, which  made our game that much more fun and it made it so much more funny. I was able to have fun with my friend but still get a great work out at the same time. We left the rec center so sweaty and tired. I never knew how much of a wokeout racquetball could be.
If you are intrested in what all the UNC Rec Center has to offer here is their website:
Check It Out!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Night Movies

Personally I am not a fan of the Twilight movies, but I didn't let that keep me away from the Monday Night Movie at UNC. The University Center puts on a movie almost every other Monday. The cool things is that the movies they show are not out on DVD.They usually show the movie a week or two before the movie comes out. So far I have seen: Tron, Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides, Hang Over Part II, Green Hornet, and my latest one was Breaking Dawn Part I. But wait there's more, not only is it a free movie that is not yet out on DVD, but student who attend also have the chance to win prizes. I once won a $50 gift card for the UNC bookstore. The event is held in the Fireside Lounge in the University Center, where they rearrange all the couch to face a big screen but you have to get there early in order to get a good seat on the couches. Personally I like to get there 2 hours early get a good seat then work on any homework I have. Right before the movie starts I go right down stairs to the Munchy Mart for some snacks. I usually get a milk shake and pretzels. When the move starts I snuggle up on a couch, engorge in my snacks, and enjoy the movie.

Monday, February 6, 2012


One of the things that I did this weekend was attend a super bowl party in my residence hall. The party was at Turner Hall and it started at 3: 30 which was about and hour before the game started. They had all the couches and chairs in the lobby crowed around a huge big screen television. Seated in one of the seats was a guy in a Giants jersey who could not sit still. He was beyond excited for the super bowl to start. Personally I am a Broncos fan so I wanted the Patriots to loss, so I guess I was rooting for the Giants too. But the real reason I watch the super bowl is for the commercials and some of them were really good this year. My favorites were the M&M's, the Doritos, and the Coca Cola poler bears.
 At the super bowl party there was a whole table of snacks. They had all kinds of chips, cookies, and Oreos. Then after the game started Turners hall director brought in a party sub from Subway. It was delicious!  Over all it was a great game, there was so much action and the last quarter had me on the edge of my seat. Through out the whole game there was one die hard Giants fan that keep screaming at the T.V. When the game ended and the Giants won he ran a whole lap around the outside of the building screaming his head off. It was such a great game and a fun party. There was great food and great people. All I can say is that I hope the Broncos make it to the super bowl next year.