Thursday, November 10, 2011

Choosing My Destiny

When I first came to UNC I actually wanted to go into theatre and be a theatre major. Unfortunately after my audition my dreams were crushed cause I found out I was pretty bad at acting. So I came to UNC as an undeclared freshman. I loved my first semester cause I got to take a ton of fun classes that sounded interesting. I took classes like world archeology, contemporary Germany, and The Cosmos. I actually didn't end up choosing my major until my second year of college when my mom told me that I should look into journalism cause I have always been told that I was a talented writer. So I ended up taking an intro class and declare myself a Pre-Journalism major. The journalism major at UNC has three emphasis: telecommunications, news editorial, and public relations and advertising media. When starting on my path I was pretty set on going into a news editorial  emphasis and writing for some sort of newspaper or something like that. So I ended up taking news writing this semester. I did not like it at all. I found out that news writing was NOT for me but luckily I was also taking a intro to marketing class that I loved. For some reason the information I was learning was so interesting to me. The problem was that at UNC the marketing degree is a business degree and I knew that wasn't for me either. Luckily something amazing happened and I realized that an emphasis in public relations and advertising media was very similar to marketing and all of a sudden I became very excited. Now I love to tell people what my major is even if they don't ask. I'm so excited for my future and I can't wait for my classes next semester. Hi my name is Maegan and I am a Journalism major with an emphasis in Public Relations and Advertising media. Now I just have to decide on my minor.

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